The Marin County Peace Conversion Commission has designated county contractor URS Corporation as a nuclear weapons contractor. This designation, as defined under Marin’s Nuclear Free Zone law, means that all county departments are required to seek other vendors not involved in nuclear weapons production. Corporations currently on the county’s list of nuclear weapons contractors include Compaq Computer, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell Corporation, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and IBM, among others. Exceptions for contracts can be made when alternatives are unavailable or significantly more costly, as was done for Hewlett Packard and IBM. “Marin County’s Nuclear Free Zone law was adopted by voter initiative in 1986 with the goal of giving corporations an incentive to stop making nuclear weapons,” Jon Oldfather, chair of the Peace Conversion Commission (PCC), said. “URS Corporation has contracts to work on the B-2 bomber, which is a delivery system for nuclear weapons. Our commission was unanimous in its decision to place URS Corporation on the county’s Nuclear Weapon Contractor list.” The law states that county government departments, whenever possible, will avoid doing business with nuclear weapons contractors or companies owned by nuclear weapons contractors.