Display Advertising
Click here for a display advertising rate sheet.
Contact David at [email protected] or Harry at [email protected]
Legal Advertising
Fictitious Business Name Statements
$45.00 for one business name and one registered owner. Add $10.00 for each additional business name or registrant/owner. This price includes a four-time weekly (Thursday) ad and final proof of publication to the county. You must start this run within 45 days of the date you filed with the county.
- E-mail the copy stamped “NEWSPAPER” to [email protected].
- Pay the invoice that we email to you. (If the invoice is paid by noon on Tuesday, we’ll have your notice start running in that Thursday’s paper.)
- Your notice will run for 4 weeks. When it’s done running, we will send a proof of publication to the county clerk (they are expecting this). We will mail you a copy of that proof (keep that for your records).
Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name
$75.00. E-mail the copy stamped “NEWSPAPER” to [email protected]. Please include your telephone number; we’ll call you for a credit card. This price includes a four-time weekly (Thursday) ad and final proof of publication to the county.
Name change
$200.00. E-mail the form NC-120 [email protected]. Please include your telephone number; we’ll call you for a credit card. This price includes a four-time weekly (Thursday) ad and final proof of publication to the superior court.
All other legal advertising
$20 per legal column inch.
All legal notices must be paid in advance.
Our obituaries run in our standard display advertising sizes. Pricing and sizing are affected by factors such as paragraph length and whether a photo is included. We build obituaries to fit in the smallest size we can comfortably and legibly fit them into. We can work with you to reduce the size after the initial proof if needed.
Email [email protected] the obituary text, and photo if you’d like one included, and we will put together a proof and quote and get back to you. Sizing for obituaries runs the gamut but typical sizing for is usually anywhere from an 1/8 of a page (about 160 words with a photo) to a 1/2 page (about 1000 words with a photo)
Classified Advertising (text only)
$15.00 per week; up to 20 words. Fifty cents for each word over 20. Two week minimum.
We will bold the first few words of your listing. No formatting included. Lower case text.
Email [email protected] with your text and we will send you an invoice, payable online. All classifieds must be paid in advance of publication.
Display Classified Advertising
Starts at $25 for 1 column wide by 1 inch wide. Add $5 for each additional .5 inch.
Includes logo, photos, or other artwork and can be designed to your liking.
Deadlines and payment
Our deadlines are flexible and depend on various factors week to week, however, the earlier you can give us notice the better. We often sell out of space well before our stated deadlines.
We publish every Thursday. We like to have notice that you intend on running something no later than noon on Monday. Submissions, or any changes need to be completed by noon on Tuesday. If advance payment is required, it must be made by noon on Tuesday.
If we have worked together before and you have a history of paying on time, we can invoice you for payment by check. If you are a new advertiser we may require prepayemnt. All classifieds, legal notices, and obituaries must be paid in advance of publication.
Mailing address:
Point Reyes Light
P.O. Box 210
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956