The chief of natural resource management at Point Reyes National Seashore, Natalie Gates, is headed for a new position as the new superintendent of Haleakala National Park, which boasts 25,000 acres of wilderness on the island of Maui. “Natalie has a strong track record in the protection of native species and ecosystems. She has proven she can solve complicated issues while respecting all the voices in the room,” Chris Lehnertz, director of the park service’s Pacific West regional office, said. Dr. Gates, who has worked at the seashore for the last 12 years primarily as a wildlife biologist, was instrumental in implementing the non-native deer eradication plan and writing the Environmental Impact Statement on Drake’s Bay Oyster Company. She holds degrees from Harvard, the University of California, Berkeley and Cornell University. Dr. Gates said she plans on “being an avid student of Haleakala—its stories and its vital importance to Native Hawaiians.”