Based on its Latin and Greek roots, the word “metaphysics,” which dates back to the earliest Greek philosophers, translates to “beyond the science of natural things.” Apparently the pursuit of understanding that which lies beyond what our senses perceive is a built-in quest of humanity.
While current conversations about the fate of the planet and the future of humanity address every aspect of what is perceived by our senses—climate change, social disorder, technology, pollution, health crises and physical war—no one talks metaphysics. Maybe it would help.
I’m not suggesting you study metaphysics, although it is a fascinating pursuit for those so inclined. The greatest thinkers have wrestled with metaphysical ideas, but they are part of an intellectual tradition that has pretty much evaporated in current American culture. Nevertheless, thinking about that which transcends immediate physical reality could be an antidote to dystopian hand wringing. (The root of “dystopia” is also Greek, meaning “the opposite of a utopia or perfect place.”)
A key metaphysical idea is that our reality is a function of our minds. As we believe, so we perceive. It turns out that we are formed by our information. We live in a news-saturated culture in which we accept someone else’s words for what is going on. Maybe it’s cable news or a documentary or maybe it’s print journalism or fringe podcasts from sources claiming to be outside the mainstream. The first question to ask yourself is: Why do I believe this? The likely answer is: Because this person thinks like me.
Or, more to the point, “feels like me.” Feeling and thinking are entangled. Emotions are strong thoughts, and strong thoughts inspire actions. We are now seeing a planet inflamed with heat and also with angry thoughts. We see extremes of flood and drought. The polarization of mind and the polarization of climate…could they be related? Metaphysicians would say: Yes.
Can we affect the planet’s weather cycles with our thoughts? Metaphysicians say: Yes. And not only metaphysicians, but also spiritual teachers, because spirituality is the domain of metaphysics. Indigenous spiritual teachers and religious commentators have long taught the relationship of the human mind to the planetary mind. Prayers, practices and rituals are the interface between these worlds in every culture.
Scientists have also sought to understand how these relationships might have a physical basis. With the advent of measuring devices that can detect electromagnetic energy waves and patterns, the divide between spirit and matter is getting fuzzier by the minute. It has been proven that emotions carry a charge that causes chemical changes in the body. It has been proven that consciousness affects outcomes. It has been proven that thoughts transmit energy. It has been proven that what we call reality is a field of electromagnetic energy that extends to the infinite cosmos and interacts with itself and with our consciousness.
Metaphysicians have always claimed that the connection between realms is as real as the realms themselves, and they’ve sought ways to make this connection conscious. Fear and superstition are tools of the dark side of this exploration, with technologies of mind control used for purposes of controlling people. On the light side, the ancient teachings ask us to merge our small minds with the mind of all consciousness, one sourced in a divine love that abides and embraces all that is.
Embracing all that is means accepting the intense polarization of our current state of affairs that reveals itself in the news about weather and collective behavior. Staying in the center of the fray is the art of living we are called upon to master in these times. It takes some effort to find calm amid the storm, but this effort is central to all spiritual teachings.
Metaphysical principles teach that a calm mind and a forgiving heart can change physical reality. We live in an extremely materialistic society, in America, in California, and in Marin County. We measure everything in terms of a physical change and pretty much ignore the nonphysical world of energy. We don’t pray to end the drought. We don’t sacrifice our egos to bring about justice. We don’t surrender our place on the economic totem pole to make room for others. We place all our faith on the financial system working for us first, then for others. That’s the way materialism works.
Until we reach out beyond that paradigm and bring in the forces that operate on the nonphysical plane, we will continue to push and shove our small wills on the world. We will pay the price of anxiety, stress and unhappiness, and the global climate will change for the worse.
If we want a better world, we must go within and find guidance for behaviors that are uniquely ours. The source of that guidance is the seed of universal consciousness we all carry in the depths of our being. It is our true self. When we act from that sense of security, not from survival anxiety, we will affect the world energetically and meaningfully. We will be fulfilling our unique mission in this unique lifetime—and that’s what we are all about.
The fate of the planet and of humanity is the sum of the consciousness of the individuals present. Yet those who draw their inspiration from the wellspring of the universal consciousness are infinitely more effective than those who are motivated by materialistic goals of creature comforts, including resisting changes that upset the balance of creature comforts.
The power struggle model is embedded in materialism, as are all wars, whether cultural, political or personal. The fallacy of that model is that the losers in a power struggle merely regroup to fight again, and the wars never end. The wounds never heal and there has been no evolution of consciousness, only the endless winner-loser paradigm reborn.
From a metaphysical point of view, humanity’s destination is the evolution of consciousness to the spiritual dimension, where we awaken the God-consciousness within, however we want to call it. As we progress in this way—and we are progressing, no matter what the news says—we will build energetic communities of calm and conscious humans who will be solution-seekers instead of antagonists in a power struggle.
The ingredients are here for this to take place on every scale, from family to community to collective humanity. It’s all one field of awareness waiting to be activated. Let’s do it.
Elizabeth Whitney is a longtime local journalist and commentator.