The Board of Supervisors declined to implement a recommendation made in a recent Marin County Grand Jury report endorsing Marin Municipal Water District’s (MMWD) plan for limited use of pesticides around Mount Tamalpais on invasive broom, while ensuring not to condemn it either. The board said it would not endorse the plan because it does not oversee the water district’s land. Supervisor Steve Kinsey said at the June 4 meeting that the response to “not try and tell MMWD what they should do” was appropriate, but added, “at the same time we’re acknowledging that the program that we’ve developed with Integrated Pest Management does leave open the opportunity for very limited [pesticide] application at the end of a series of other actions to try to avoid it.” The water district announced its plan to embark on what it feels is a judicious use of herbicides last August, and expects to complete an Environmental Impact Report on the plan in the fall. The district says herbicides are necessary to control the dangerous broom, which creates a high risk of wildfire in the watershed, and has described ways to limit their use and take steps to prevent toxins from entering the watershed. Supervisor Susan Rice added that the board will revisit the use of herbicides later this summer when it discusses the county’s vegetation management plan.