The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday allotted more funds to a county contractor exploring the feasibility of a community wastewater system for Woodacre and San Geronimo, where failing septic systems are contaminating the watershed. An initial feasibility study for the system was released in 2011; last year, an expanded study recommended the construction of a wastewater collection system on the San Geronimo Golf Course and the use of recycled water for irrigation there. But since then, the county moved to purchase the course, and the site became mired in pending litigation over the course’s conversion to a park. “The state wanted us to explore other options,” said Lorene Jackson, the county’s environmental health services project manager, “and it’s great to look at other uses for that water: irrigation of ball fields, water use for fire suppression.” This week, supervisors agreed to pay Questa Engineering Corporation an additional $15,000 to identify other possible sites for a treatment plant and alternative uses for the recycled water. State and municipal grants and money raised by Woodacre and San Geronimo residents will also contribute to that effort. “Since we had decided on [the golf course] and we were excited about that site, we hadn’t explored a lot of others,” Ms. Jackson said. “Now now we’ll sharpen our pencils and look for others.” The preferred alternative described in the feasibility study would service 370 homes in the area, where contamination from human waste was identified in recent water testing.