The Point Reyes National Seashore Association is facing losses of at least $25,000 due to the federal government shutdown, according to Samaria Jaffe, the group’s executive director. The losses are the result of both cancelled classes and a dip in people signing up for future ones due to uncertainty about when the shutdown will end. (As of Wednesday evening, news reports suggested that the shutdown could end Thursday.) “It’s going to take a while for our momentum to rebuild,” she said. Although a few classes have been moved to different locations, some are too park specific to be moved. The association is a significant partner to the seashore and spent $840,000 in aid to park projects last fiscal year. Although it receives most of its funding from contributions and grants, Ms. Jaffe said that the programs are incredibly valuable educational opportunities and attract over 1,000 attendees every year.  Ms. Jaffe also said PRNSA recently decided to allocate some funds raised during this summer’s trail challenge to maintenance of the Estero Trail, but that planning for that has been delayed. “We’re not even able to think about that now,” she said. This weekend’s classes will still take place regardless of the shutdown—which include Drawing Autumn Leaves, A Natural History of Point Reyes Birds and Farallon Islands: Seabirds and Great White Sharks. To see a full class calendar and register for classes, visit