A loan from an anonymous benefactor saved the Stinson Beach Preschool, allowing them to sign a contract with a portable company last week. “It has been a roller coaster ride. It occupies my every moment, sleeping or awake. I dream about it every minute, and I think about it every moment,” said Susan Tacherra, the director and head teacher. The preschool expects the mobile classroom to be delivered to the campus in mid-August and the school year will begin roughly a month later. The $30,000 bridge loan from a Bolinas donor was “the only way we could have possibly moved on,” Ms. Tacherra said. “We’re very thankful.” The classroom will be installed on a three-year contract, the location slightly different than planned due to a French drain that butted too close to the original footprint to jive with county regulations. A playground will be developed in phases. “The main thing we can all agree on is that all children deserve a great education and great care on a great site. The details will be worked out,” Ms. Tacherra said. Once the classroom is installed and local toddlers are learning once again, the preschool will ramp up its fundraising efforts to repay their loans. The total amount needed is “hard to even talk about,” Ms. Tacherra said, something close to $50,000 this year. “There’s all kinds of ways to raise funds,” she added after a deep breath, “and we’ll do them all. We’re the preschool that won’t quit.”