The commission charged with overseeing Marin’s library system has mostly concurred with recent findings from a county watchdog report that offered criticisms and recommendations for the Marin County Free Library, while partially countering others. Commissioners agreed that it should ramp up its own limited input and oversight for Measure A funds and foster more communication between itself and the Board of Supervisors. But in response to the Marin County Civil Grand Jury’s claim that that library staff were not adequately included by library administration in decision-making processes, the commission said it “lacked sufficient information” to make a judgment but that if there was indeed a lack of communication and inclusion, it should be addressed by the new library director. The commission also partially disagreed with the jury’s criticism of the use of “extra-hire” employees, which are theoretically temporary positions but which have been used to employee some people for years, without benefits. The commission agreed to some degree but added that some employees preferred to remain part time due to personal circumstances, adding that the library director should also create “more flexible categories of employment.”