Two sections of Highway 1—between Muir Beach and Green Gulch and between Stinson Beach and Muir Beach—have been out of commission for months following severe storm damage. The closures have led to increased congestion and plagued residents, but relief is coming: Steve Williams, a Caltrans spokesman, said the two-mile section between Muir Beach and Green Gulch is scheduled to open this Saturday. The roughly four-mile section between Muir Beach and Stinson Beach will reopen in late August. The road, which saw slides in five locations, has been closed since Jan. 19; repairs are estimated to cost the state about $3.4 million. Speaking to a full Stinson Beach Community Center last month, District Four Supervisor Dennis Rodoni, a former contractor, elaborated on the issues plaguing the repairs. “The problem is that the slide area is going laterally and is expanding the lengths of the retaining walls,” he said. These road closures have led to heavy usage of Panoramic Highway, another route over the hill for Stinson Beach residents. Fire Chief Kenny Stevens had a message for frustrated residents: “Get patient,” he said at the meeting. “In 1982, Highway 1 was closed for two years and we survived. We’ll be okay if everyone stops thinking about it as, ‘Me me me.’”