County elections officials are still tallying provisional ballots, but the most recent updates to the results of the Nov. 7 election show approvals for both Measure A and Measure F. The latter won with a whopping 83 percent, and Measure A, which requires a two-thirds majority in support, currently hangs at 70 percent, up one percent from last week. In Muir Beach, Leighton Hills, Steve Shaffer and incumbent Peter Lambert have stretched their lead in nabbing three seats on the Community Services District. Mr. Hills has 30 percent of the votes, Mr. Shaffer has 27 percent and Mr. Lambert has about 16 percent. At least one more update is expected this week, and on Monday, the elections department will take a manual tally of a random selection representing at least one percent of ballots. The tally, which is open to the public, is meant to verify the automated count and “build trust in the public process,” county registrar Lynda Roberts said.