Nineteen Bolinas residents stitched together a community quilt featuring 20 square panels that celebrate buildings scattered throughout the village—including the Gibson House, the Gospel Flat farm stand, Ananda Brady’s red gypsy wagon and the free box—as a fundraiser for the Bolinas Community Land Trust. The quilt is on display at the Bolinas Museum, with raffle tickets for sale at Bolinas Bay Hardware & Mercantile. The land trust hopes to raise $2 million in up-front capital to assist it in swiftly acquiring future properties. To date, the trust has received almost $300,000 in donations and $400,000 in short-term loans. It hopes to raise another $25,000 from the quilt. Using a quilt to raise funds for Bolinas might be a first for the land trust, but the mechanism is not new in town. “The community has a history of bringing people together to make quilts for fundraisers,” Arianne Dar, executive director for the land trust, said.