In response to the June 9 article “Bolinas-Stinson parents, officials disagree over Learning”: The report on math placement and progress that the Bolinas-Stinson Union
School District Board of Trustees reviewed on June 7 showed conclusively that, since 2011, the vast majority of our graduates are placed in math classes at grade level or higher when they enter high school. It also showed that a solid majority graduate from high school having completed the math classes necessary to apply to four-year universities.
The Bolinas-Stinson School District’s standardized test scores in math last year (the first year that the new, more challenging test was administered) demonstrated clearly that our students as a whole were on par with their peers in Marin County and scored significantly higher than the rest of the state.
Despite insinuations to the contrary, the district does provide and will continue to provide a math program based on the current state standards. This fall, our adherence to state standards will be more evident than ever as we implement a locally developed standards-based report card.
It is not accurate to say that the report “appeared to paint a different picture” than had been offered by one local resident who has no children in our school. The truth is that the report flatly refuted her claims simply by showing everyone the numbers.
I ask that community members think critically when reading or listening to statements and opinions about our local school and its programs. None of us should view rumor or innuendo as equivalent to reliable data, regardless of how loudly or frequently such rumor and innuendo are offered.
We encourage all community members to view the Report on Math Placement and Progress; the numbers speak for themselves. The full report can be found on the front page of the district’s website,
As always, we are happy to discuss our school programs with any community member and share our thoughts and strategies as we work to provide the highest quality, most relevant and inclusive education possible for our local children.
John Carroll, a Woodacre resident, is the superintendent of the Bolinas-Stinson Union School District.