The Eta Aquarids, which run from April 15 to May 27, will peak with 10 to 20 meteors an hour on the night of May 5. Fog permitting, they may be seen after midnight in the eastern sky in the constellation Aquarius, the water bearer.

The seasonal ponds near the barn in the Giacomini wetlands are a peaceful spot to watch mallards and egrets, along with red-winged blackbirds as they flit among the surrounding tule. Similar to northern elephant seals, red wings return to the area to breed. They set up nesting territories that they defend with song and flight patterns. You’ll hear their calls and maybe see them chase off larger ravens at the ponds. The colorful wing patches help attract females.

Star-shaped white flowers popping out among the shrubbery along Bear Valley Trail are thimbleberries. Their abundance promises that many delicious scarlet berries will ripen in late May. The late pulse of the gray whale migration is underway, and mother and calf pairs can be seen from the lighthouse. Meanwhile, the last weaned elephant seal pups are chilling at Chimney Rock. We will continue to see elephant seals throughout summer as they return temporarily to molt and grow new fur.

Botanical prints of native flora by Latifat Apatira are on display at the Bear Valley Visitor Center.