Monday, October 10
TOMALES: At 12:54 p.m. a woman said her uncle had hit her with a cattle prod.
INVERNESS: At 3:40 p.m. a man said a neighbor had accused him of harassment.
STINSON BEACH: At 3:54 p.m. a father and child had become separated on a bike ride.
INVERNESS: At 6 p.m. a man spoke about harassment by neighbors.
Tuesday, October 11
NICASIO: At 6:52 a.m. a man and woman were arguing.
POINT REYES STATION: At 7:31 a.m. someone needed medics.
POINT REYES STATION: At 8:20 a.m. a landlord reported trespassing by an evicted tenant.
OLEMA: At 10:42 a.m. a cow was on a roadside.
FOREST KNOLLS: At 12:26 p.m. medics transported someone.
POINT REYES STATION: At 1:29 p.m. someone needed medics at the school.
DILLON BEACH: At 1:31 p.m. someone said an R.V. had pulled down powerlines.
INVERNESS PARK: At 7:17 p.m. someone said a camera at a summer home had caught the image of two women and a man going through the front gate.
BOLINAS: At 7:36 p.m. offshore fishing boats were lighting fireworks.
POINT REYES STATION: At 9:08 p.m. someone accused someone else of being verbally abusive and breaking things.
Wednesday, October 12
BOLINAS: At 11:09 a.m. a man was angry about his towed trailer. It had not been registered in his name, so the tow company was preventing him from picking up the tools that were in it. A deputy suggested that he learn when the company was going to place a lien on the trailer, at which time he could buy the tools back.
BOLINAS: At 12:26 p.m. someone flagged down a deputy.
OLEMA: At 3:28 p.m. someone flew through a stop sign.
NICASIO: At 5:22 p.m. someone called for medics.
NICASIO: At 7:52 p.m. someone drove down an embankment.
Thursday, October 13
FOREST KNOLLS: At 5:17 a.m. a man said his dog was barking and there were shadows on the back of the house, one taller and one shorter, and someone was possibly tapping on the windows. He suspected former tenants.
POINT REYES STATION: At 6:27 a.m. a deputy dispatched an injured deer.
WOODACRE: At 9:05 a.m. someone wanted to talk about suspicious activity on Elm Avenue where a week earlier a door was found open, then a bird feeder was knocked down and later hung back up, and last night a note was left on red construction paper.
WOODACRE: At 9:19 a.m. deputies helped mediate a civil issue.
POINT REYES STATION: At 9:38 a.m. someone asked for child custody advice.
POINT REYES STATION: At 11:35 a.m. someone reported a suspicious subject.
BOLINAS: At 12:57 p.m. the school asked for a welfare check on a student. Deputies noted that the child’s parent did not need to check in about homework, as the school wished he would.
DILLON BEACH: At 1:33 p.m. an R.V. took down a powerline.
BOLINAS: At 1:57 p.m. medics transported someone.
POINT REYES STATION: At 8:56 p.m. a man needed medics.
Friday, October 14
SEASHORE: At 10:14 a.m. someone had been found dead in the surf at Drakes Beach.
NICASIO: At 10:38 a.m. someone had questions about where to park while fishing.
POINT REYES STATION: At 11:21 a.m. someone reported losing a gold-colored watch.
CHILENO VALLEY: At 12:07 p.m. a Department of Public Works employee said people in a blue van were graffitiing the road near the lagoon. Deputies said they were preparing for a bicycle race.
SAMUEL P. TAYLOR: At 12:40 p.m. someone reported a possible drunk driver wending down the road with a load of lumber.
POINT REYES STATION: At 12:50 p.m. a woman said a fellow customer in a purple coat had stood in her way and yelled profanities at her.
SAN GERONIMO: At 1:34 p.m. someone said a woman had broken agreements at the community garden.
BOLINAS: At 1:36 p.m. a property manager called about a homeless man who had set up a boxing ring.
SAN GERONIMO: At 2:02 p.m. someone reported smoldering electrical equipment behind the school library.
INVERNESS PARK: At 5:27 p.m. someone representing a restrained party called about the restraining order.
POINT REYES STATION: At 5:35 p.m. a woman complained about a man living in his car who she said was yelling and spreading his things around.
POINT REYES STATION: At 8:22 p.m. someone asked deputies to check on a confused friend.
STINSON BEACH: At 8:26 p.m. a woman called about a smell in her sister’s house and said two men were threatening her.
INVERNESS: At 8:55 p.m. two callers reported a campfire at Chicken Ranch Beach.
POINT REYES STATION: At 9:14 p.m. medics transported someone.
Saturday, October 15
POINT REYES STATION: At 12:47 a.m. medics placed someone on a mental health hold.
FOREST KNOLLS: At 10:51 a.m. a dog was barking.
TOMALES: At 10:52 a.m. a deputy patrolled the high school.
SAMUEL P. TAYLOR: At 1:04 p.m. a fire was reported on the Ox Trail.
BOLINAS: At 1:05 p.m. a man was dancing and yelling mortal threats in a park.
POINT REYES STATION: At 1:32 p.m. a tree fell in a road.
INVERNESS PARK: At 5:11 p.m. five men were fishing in the creek.
OLEMA: At 8:27 p.m. a man was walking barefoot down a road.
Sunday, October 16
BOLINAS: At 3:39 a.m. a dog was barking on the Big Mesa.
OLEMA: At 9:29 a.m. a fruit vendor was playing loud music.
SAMUEL P. TAYLOR: At 3:07 p.m. officers were pursuing a vehicle.
WOODACRE: At 5:10 p.m. medics placed someone on a mental health hold.
POINT REYES STATION: At 5:15 p.m. a man said someone may have siphoned his gas.
POINT REYES STATION: At 6:03 p.m. a pickup was swerving north.
BOLINAS: At 7:06 p.m. a man had tracked a stolen vehicle to Mesa Road near Schipper Lane.
SEASHORE: At 7:36 p.m. someone needed medics at a beach.
POINT REYES STATION: At 9:25 p.m. a man was standing in the middle of a road.
MUIR BEACH: At 9:45 p.m. someone complained about loud music.