Monday, May 23
SAN GERONIMO: At 10:06 a.m. someone saw a naked young woman on a trail. She did not appear distressed, and when the caller asked if she was okay she said she was fine and con-tinued on her way up a hill.
MARSHALL: At 12:35 p.m. an oyster farm reported a trespasser. Deputies booked her.
SEASHORE: At 12:53 p.m. someone found an iPad near the cypress tree tunnel.
WOODACRE: At 3:46 p.m. someone said contractors were blocking a driveway.
WOODACRE: At 4:53 p.m. a hunched man was walking in and out of the market.
Tuesday, May 24
WOODACRE: At 8:37 a.m. a man reported finding a girl’s bicycle, a Bible and a letter.
MUIR BEACH: At 8:40 a.m. two Amazon carts were in a road and packages strewn all over.
OLEMA: At 8:56 a.m. a deer was dead in a road.
NICASIO: At 12:20 p.m. parents asked for a standby while serving eviction papers.
BOLINAS: At 1:33 p.m. a pickup was blocking a driveway.
INVERNESS PARK: At 4:25 p.m. a man drove off Bear Valley Road and into the willows.
POINT REYES STATION: At 5:46 p.m. a woman wanted to talk about a man.
INVERNESS PARK: At 9:01 p.m. a neighbor was playing music in the yard.
Wednesday, May 25
MARSHALL: At 8:29 a.m. someone wanted to talk about an arrest.
MARSHALL: At 9:44 a.m. someone believed tombstones had been vandalized at a cemetery, smashed with a large and heavy object.
POINT REYES STATION: At 10:27 a.m. deputies logged a report of child abuse.
FOREST KNOLLS: At 11:17 a.m. someone reported a rape.
SAN GERONIMO: At 11:41 a.m. a woman wished to speak about an incident in her home.
BOLINAS: At 1:16 p.m. someone wanted to talk about an upcoming event.
TOMALES: At 1:50 p.m. a deputy patrolled at Keys Creek.
WOODACRE: At 2:14 p.m. a woman said the schizophrenic son of her best friend had walked away from his home and may be headed to her house.
SAN GERONIMO: At 6:53 p.m. a man in a trench coat was walking down the middle of a road, gesturing at drivers and giving people looks.
OLEMA: At 7:55 p.m. a man was breaking things and yelling obscenities in the back of a church.
MARSHALL: At 8:53 p.m. someone reported passing what looked like an abandoned camp on a beach. There was a wallet, rotting food and a sleeping bag that was blowing away in the wind.
Thursday, May 26
BOLINAS: At 9:18 a.m. a deputy checked in with a school principal. She said everything was normal.
TOMALES: At 9:47 a.m. a deputy patrolled the high school.
DILLON BEACH: At 10:06 a.m. the deputy patrolled the campground.
POINT REYES STATION: At 11:19 a.m. a man who had come to see a doctor was being aggressive, a nonprofit health center staffer said.
INVERNESS PARK: At 11:52 a.m. a resident was extremely frustrated with a neighbor’s loud music.
BOLINAS: At 3:56 p.m. a man was napping in a van parked at the wye. Passersby worried because he was slumped over.
BOLINAS: At 4:19 p.m. a deputy scoped out a property at the request of code enforcement, finding one tent that looked like it was being lived in.
POINT REYES STATION: At 5:22 p.m. a man was making a ruckus downtown.
SAMUEL P. TAYLOR: At 9:25 p.m. a suicidal man said he was driving to where he could jump into the sea. Officers followed his westward movement before losing track of him.
POINT REYES STATION: At 11:57 p.m. someone smelled marijuana smoke wafting from the back of the school.
Friday, May 27
INVERNESS: At 1:11 a.m. a tree had fallen into a lane.
BOLINAS: At 4:07 p.m. a man and woman were arguing near a shuttle bus.
STINSON BEACH: At 9:02 a.m. a deputy patrolled the school.
BOLINAS: At 9:49 a.m. someone turned in a wallet.
BOLINAS: At 9:54 a.m. a deputy moved along a man from the post office, exhorting him not to sleep there.
POINT REYES STATION: At 10:04 a.m. someone said a man kept coming into a clinic and harassing health care workers.
POINT REYES STATION: At 10:29 a.m. a man was agitated and sweating in a stairwell at a nonprofit health center’s offices.
WOODACRE: At 11:29 a.m. a tanned woman in cheetah-print sandals came walking down from a fire road carrying luggage and a disheveled purse.
DILLON BEACH: At 1:34 p.m. someone smelled propane.
Saturday, May 28
STINSON BEACH: At 2:44 a.m. medics transported someone.
WOODACRE: At 4:23 a.m. a woman said someone had hit her.
TOMALES: At 6:16 a.m. a deer was injured in the highway.
INVERNESS: At 7:26 a.m. a deputy was looking for a reckless Crown Victoria that had been seen speeding in the mornings through town.
STINSON BEACH: At 10:25 a.m. a cyclist crashed.
STINSON BEACH: At 11:28 a.m. a large number of people were at the beach.
DOGTOWN: At 1:13 p.m. a small tree was in a lane.
POINT REYES STATION: At 2:14 p.m. someone returned home after 10 minutes away to find a man standing inside.
MOUNT TAM: At 2:15 p.m. a man hiking with a boy was seen with a rifle attached to his backpack.
SAN GERONIMO: At 2:41 p.m. someone suspected a drunk driver.
MUIR BEACH: At 3:41 p.m. two cars had been clouted.
WOODACRE: At 4:01 p.m. someone said a missing man had been found.
FOREST KNOLLS: At 11:12 p.m. a neighbor was sanding in a garage.
Sunday, May 29
POINT REYES STATION: At 6:28 a.m. workers showed up to a business with its backdoor open.
WOODACRE: At 7:06 a.m. a man said his date had taken off with a drunk man after he, the caller, didn’t have money for champagne, and he was worried about her because her car was still where she had left it. He had her makeup bag and purse.
WOODACRE: At 12:06 p.m. someone reported that a neighbor had torn up asphalt and left a big truck on what the neighbor claimed was a private road. Deputies said it was.
POINT REYES STATION: At 2:24 p.m. someone reported being followed by a man who was threatening to shoot a gun.
POINT REYES STATION: At 7:54 p.m. someone dropped off a lost wallet.
NICASIO: At 9:16 p.m. a man drove into a barrier and spun out.
FOREST KNOLLS: At 9:55 p.m. medics transported someone.
Monday, May 30
POINT REYES STATION: At 12:17 a.m. someone called from Oregon to warn that a person on Reddit who was trying to lure young people had a number that tracked to town.
WOODACRE: At 1:04 a.m. someone said a man was grunting in a driveway.
BOLINAS: At 9:18 a.m. someone said a man was breaking stuff in Burnt Park.
TOMALES: At 12:11 p.m. a door was open at the high school.
STINSON BEACH: At 12:38 p.m. dogs were chasing pelicans in Seadrift Lagoon. Deputies could not chastise their owners because they were offshore on a sandbar, fishing.
STINSON BEACH: At 4:14 p.m. a woman was yelling inside a business.
TOMALES: At 5:40 p.m. someone reported a restraining order violation.
MUIR BEACH: At 6:17 p.m. a woman said someone had painted swastikas on her Ukrainian flag.
INVERNESS PARK: At 6:34 p.m. a neighbor was playing loud music.
BOLINAS: At 7:26 p.m. a man said another man had pushed him and threatened to shoot him.
FOREST KNOLLS: At 11:41 p.m. a neighbor was using power tools.