New California legislation requires middle and high school students to receive whooping cough vaccinations before starting school this fall. Previously only kindergarteners were required to receive booster shots for the highly contagious bacterial disease. Marin County Department of Health and Human Services will host Tdap immunization clinics between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Friday, August 19, at the Marin County Office of Education and on Monday, August 22, at Hill Middle School in Novato. Medi-Cal eligible students and Kaiser members will be immunized for free, while all others will need to pay $32. Schools are also allowed to extend deadlines for proof of vaccinations until 30 days after school begins. Shoreline Unified, Lagunitas and Bolinas-Stinson Union school districts have all chosen to extend the documentation deadline. Shoreline Unified School District will begin on August 31, Lagunitas School District will start on August 30, and Bolinas-Stinson Union School District will resume on August 24.