This Saturday at Toby’s Feed Barn, 17-year-old Brenda Rico will be crowned as the Western Weekend Queen. A Tomales High senior with dreams of attending beauty school, Ms. Rico may not be the typical face of Western Weekend, a celebration of West

Marin agriculture and livestock dating back to 1949: She has no background in ranching or plans to become a rancher—though she is hoping to borrow a friend’s horse to ride in the parade. Ms. Rico likes playing basketball, listening to music and going to the movies, and despite the fact that she doesn’t own one of her own, she loves horses.

“My sister Jasmine, who was a princess two years ago, was my motivation to run for queen,” she said. A touch on the shy side, Ms. Rico wasn’t expecting an easy win, and has been hard at work showing off her bright smile as she charms her West Marin neighbors into buying raffle tickets.

Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased, through Saturday, from Ms. Rico. Prizes are in cash—with a $500 first prize—and the proceeds are split between the Lions and 4-H Clubs, with Ms. Rico taking home 25 percent. To purchase tickets call (415) 663 8237.