Registration is now open for a four-day music camp for individuals and families who like to play old-time, bluegrass or early country music. The multigenerational Walker Creek Music Camp, founded by Marshall resident Ingrid Noyes, takes place during Columbus Day weekend, Oct. 11 to 14. Well-known local and regional musicians— Paul Knight from West Marin, The Foghorn String Band from Portland, Fletcher Bright from Tennessee, the Canote Brothers from Seattle—will instruct, and classes in banjo, guitar, fiddle, bass, dobro, mandolin and vocals will be interspersed with organized jams and concerts. For those who stay overnight at Walker Creek Ranch, an educational retreat center inland between Marshall and Tomales, there will also be yoga classes, a massage therapist on hand, and good food. Prices range from $210 to $750—but will increase September 1—and some work trades and scholarships are available. There will be a special program for children and toddlers. For information and registration visit or call (415) 663.1342.