Students at Tomales High School started their spring semester last week to changes in school administration amid the usual New Year activities. Select freshmen are beginning their high school basketball careers, while seniors bite at their fingernails to hear back from colleges. On Wednesday, 30 students took a trip to College of Marin to scope out the facilities and academics. The school brought in a new interim principal while sitting principal John McGurke continues to recover from post-concussion symptoms. Mr. McGurke has worked part-time since last January. In August, superintendent Adam Jennings brought on David Sondheim and Nancy Neu—two retirees who have decades of experience as Marin principals—to work as interim co-principals for the fall semester. Based on the rules that govern contract work by retired educators, the two exhausted their ability to provide support. Don Drake will take over for the spring. Mr. Drake has worked in Marin education for more than 25 years, first as a social studies teacher at Terra Linda High School, later as an assistant principal at San Rafael High and as principal of Archie Williams High. In 2012, he took a job at Korea International School in Seoul, where he worked for three years as a high school principal.