A fermented-foods business run by an Inverness couple is receiving a loan from some members of the Mt. Vision Local Investment Opportunities Network (LION), the newly formed network announced this week. The $15,000 loan will help Maggie Levinger and Luke Regalbuto purchase new equipment and expand their business, which since 2010 has sold fermented products like sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha. Wild West Ferments doesn’t aim to become a big business, Ms. Levinger told the Light, but they hope the expansion will allow them to finally earn income and remain in West Marin. (Ms. Levinger also runs a business installing vegetable gardens in people’s homes and Mr. Regalbuto works at West Marin Pharmacy.) Mt. Vision LION formed at the beginning of 2013 as a way for people in the community to support the local economy. “People are looking for ways to put their money for good use in their communities” and “support local economic development,” explained cofounder Frederick Smith.