The Marin County Board of Supervisors last week submitted responses to three Civil Grand Jury reports, on the potential for increased sharing of services among public agencies and special districts, restorative justice and alcohol abuse. The report on service sharing, called “Pre-Schoolers Learn to Share — Can Local Governments?” recommended that every local governmental entity, when facing major capital expenditures — such as new facilities or equipment — seek out other entities to share the use and costs of the items. It also recommended that attention be given to avoiding expensive effort duplication. The county agreed to adopt those recommendations, and is also set to publish on its website a list of all of the special districts and Joint Powers Authorities and their contact information, to improve the public’s awareness of and access to taxing entities. However, supervisors declined the recommendation that the board require annual reports from city managers, along with other administrative suggestions. For the report titled “The Marin Youth Alcohol Crisis: One City’s Response,” the board only partially agreed with the finding that Marin cities did not acknowledge the crisis of underage drinking. However, supervisors agreed to implement all recommendations, including that Marin County Department of Health and Human Services lead the community in emphasizing the dangers of underage drinking and parents’ role in prevention, that its staff attend meetings and provide support to the Novato Blue Ribbon Coalition for Youth, and that it convene regular meetings of the three Marin County youth coalitions to provide support and guidance and share ideas. Regarding the report “Restorative Justice: It’s Time Has Come in Marin County,” the board agreed to provide funding for restorative justice training, and will consider initiating restorative justice training in the county jail in the future.