Some local nonprofits will soon be spiffing up their websites, creating new promotional videos and brochures and undertaking other outreach improvements, thanks to the West Marin Fund. Twenty-five organizations received a total of $54,900 from the fund this fall, in grants meant for improving communications ranging from about $850 to $5,000. The idea for the grants—the sixth round the fund has distributed since its founding three years ago—arose earlier this year after this newspaper purchased The West Marin Citizen. “A number of nonprofit executive directors wondered, ‘What will this mean for us?’” said Catherine Porter, the fund’s executive director. A discussion about how to better communicate with the press—and the public—ensued, and last month, the fund organized a training and panel discussion on how to communicate with the media. The latest grantees include the Bolinas Community Center, the Community Land Trust Association of West Marin, the Environmental Action Committee of West Marin, the Inverness Almanac, Mesa Refuge, Nicasio School Foundation and the Tomales Bay Youth Center. The E.A.C will use its grant to create a guide for living in the coastal zone, with information about development regulations, and the West Marin Commons will update its website, Ms. Porter said. KWMR will revamp its website so that its front page, which is now static, can be updated with current news and information. CLAM will create a communications plan, said the group’s executive director, Kim Thompson. “With affordable housing being one of the most urgent issues here, $5,000 is a lot to get the message out there to make change,” she added.