The Turtle Island Restoration Network announced early this week it acquired property near Woodacre Creek from a private donor in support of the group’s efforts to preserve the Lagunitas Creek watershed. The less than one-acre parcel, located along Redwood Drive in Woodacre, was donated a couple months ago by Mae Tsukamoto, who inherited the parcel. It falls within an area regulated by the county’s stream conservation ordinance, which discourages building within 100 feet from creeks. The donation marked the sixth acquisition by the restoration network, an umbrella organization that includes the Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN). “We’re happy to have [land] donated,” Todd Steiner, executive director of SPAWN, said. The group intends to apply for tax exemption for the new property, appraised at about $35,000, Mr. Steiner said, adding that the group has a land trust program, called the Coho Salmon Land Trust, aimed at acquiring more land, “so it can be restored and protected.”