Just 596 votes separate Democratic Congressional candidate Norman Solomon from his Republican competitor in the race for second place in California’s 2nd District, and ballots are still being counted, Mr. Solomon said. While Mr. Solomon initially trailed behind Republican Dan Roberts with a close 1 percent lag, that gap has since been closed by more than two thirds, and the Inverness Park resident is refusing to concede.

According to the California Secretary of State’s website, Mr. Solomon is still 1,122 votes behind, but the latter says that figure is not up to date. “We’re now down to Sonoma County,” Mr. Solomon said, referring to the last of the six counties to close out its counts. “We picked up more votes in Marin, and then lost some in Humboldt.” A final count is expected as early as Friday or the beginning of next week. In the meantime, Mr. Solomon said he’s grateful to all the people he’s been running into locally who have

“been gracious and expressed their warm wishes.”

“I’m trying to practice Zen and the art of politics,” Mr. Solomon joked. “But it’s a challenge.”