Bob Raines, the superintendent of the Shoreline Unified School District who was arrested on June 8 for lewd acts with a child under age 14, had his pay reinstituted by the school board last week. After meeting with lawyer Jennifer Henry in closed session on June 23, board president Jill Manning-Sartori announced that Mr. Raines was placed on paid leave, reversing a decision to put him on unpaid leave under an education code that guides districts when employees are charged with sex crimes. Mr. Raines has been released on bail, and the District Attorney is still reviewing the case. Before the arrest, he announced he was retiring on June 30. At the board’s June meeting, one member of the public asked if Mr. Raines would still receive his retirement package, and the question was not acknowledged. School leaders have said nothing since the arrest. A California Public Records Act request for emails between board members dating back to the day before the crime was reported has not been fulfilled. Ms. Henry said the district will provide the Light with non-exempt documents by July 15.