Three people appealed a permit for a 2,550 square-foot residence and second-unit dwelling at 220 Mesa Road in Point Reyes Station, which the county’s deputy zoning administrator approved earlier this month.

The appellants—including the property owner, Alexandra Rome—took issue with the location of the proposed house as well as the lack of a public hearing on the permit’s status. Inverness resident Bridger Mitchell faulted the county for not holding a public hearing on a coastal permit for the second unit. According to county staff, Mr. Mitchell didn’t make a request for a public hearing in the proper time frame. Additionally, Mesa neighbor Bruce Lauritzen objected to the house’s size and the potential for it to impede his view of Tomales Bay.

In response, the county ordered the house to be moved 15 feet closer to the southerly property line, and it was this change that prompted Ms. Rome to appeal the approval of her own residence. A date has not yet been scheduled for the Planning Commission hearing.