A Novato trial lawyer plans to take possession of The Olema RV Resort and Campground, the only privately owned public campground near the seashore, at an auction next Tuesday.

Alan Brayton said he is foreclosing on the property to recover an outstanding balance of over $1.1 million on a second deed of trust. The property’s current owner, Led Leasing LLC, headed by Jay Bronson of Aspen, Colorado, purchased the property in 2006 but defaulted on Mr. Brayton’s loan.

The foreclosure will wipe out the current ownership and eliminate a third deed of trust on the property.

Several plans for the campground have failed to come to fruition over the years, including a move to establish affordable housing and another to sell the land to the National Park Service.

At one point a plan had been in place to build 20 single-bedroom bungalows, new campsites and a gas station. But efforts were derailed due to the particulars of the land, much of which sits on a flood plain of Olema Creek.

Mr. Brayton said he would address any environmental concerns associated with the property and hoped to keep the jobs in the community, making the change in ownership a “win-win for everyone.” In the meantime, the campground will remain open as the summer begins.

On a recent Wednesday, a number of RV’s were already parked among picnic tables throughout the grassy campus, and workers tended to roses and other flowers on the property.

“This is a great place to work,” an employee said. “People come here from all over the U.S. and Canada for their vacations and enjoy it. I hope they can keep things the same.”