Tomales Bay boaters, bird watchers and beachcombers can now access a new piece of public shore. A 27-acre parcel of mostly wetlands just south of Inverness, which had languished on and off the real estate market for almost six years, was sold to the Point Reyes National Seashore Association at a cost of $400,000 two years ago this week. Since then the only structure on the property, a small cottage, was demolished, but not much else has happened—which is just what the association and the lot’s imminent owner, the National Park Service, said is in store for the foreseeable future. The bayside property, whose purchase from the Morris family was funded in part by a grant dedicated for wetlands conservation, lies seaward of more than 500 acres of federal wetlands formerly farmed by Waldo Giacomini. It was rezoned from limited agricultural use to residential use in the Marin County Local Coastal Program. The Point Reyes National Seashore Association, the seashore’s nonprofit partner, was also bequeathed a nine-acre parcel near the Regenerative Design Institute, in Bolinas, in 2011. No development is planned for either property, and so-called passive recreation—such as sitting, strolling, picnicking—is permitted on both.