The superintendent of two West Marin school districts is running for county superintendent of schools this November. 

John Carroll, who leads both Lagunitas and Bolinas-Stinson Union School Districts, filed his papers last month to run to replace Mary Jane Burke, who announced last year that she would not seek reelection after 27 years on the job. Mr. Carroll will face off against Michele Crncich Hodge, a Mill Valley school board trustee. 

“For 30 years, it’s been my joy and privilege to have worked in every aspect of the Marin education system—from teacher to administrator,” he said in a statement. “Because I have worked in the Marin education system in nearly every capacity—building strong relationships and a deep understanding of our county’s school system—I’m confident that I have the experience and temperament needed to serve our students and communities.” 

Mr. Carroll said Ms. Burke “set a very high standard” for the role, but he also pointed out his own experience: He is the longest-serving district superintendent in Marin and has worked as an educator or administrator at six of the county’s districts. 

A Marin native who lives in Woodacre, Mr. Carroll took over leadership of both Lagunitas and Bolinas-Stinson in 2014. His salary from the two districts totaled just over $196,000 in 2019. 

Ms. Burke, who earns more than $335,000 as county superintendent, told the Marin Independent Journal that she will not endorse a successor. 

During her tenure, Ms. Burke faced just one challenger: Matt Nagle, the former West Marin School principal who ran for her seat for her last term, in 2018. 

Ms. Burke claimed 78 percent of the vote, and Mr. Nagle later sued Shoreline Unified School District over his reassignment to a teaching position, which he said was retaliation for challenging her. He is now running for a seat on the board of the Palo Alto Unified School District.