The Inverness Almanac, a nascent nature and literary journal focused on the landscape of West Marin, is releasing its second edition on Sunday. The new volume, with pages numbered for the days between the fall and spring equinoxes, includes works that focus on the fall and winter; the first edition encompassed spring and summer. But the seasonal shift is not the only difference in the second edition. “It’s much more focused,” said Ben Livingston, one of the journal’s five editors. Careful curation was possible in large part because they received more submissions this time around, Mr. Livingston said. The journal also features more naturalistic essays and fewer poems. Overall, it has a healthy mix of recipes, creative writing, musings, photographs, and sketches of birds and plants. It includes an essay on acorn harvesting, a recipe for a mushroom torte, a playful photograph of an elephant seal lounging in a parking lot, and lyrical descriptions of plants. The new volume will be for sale at the journal’s release party this Sunday evening, at the Dance Palace Community Center, and should be available at Point Reyes Books sometime next week.