On August 18, over 700 cyclists will huff, puff, sweat and pedal their way through 100 miles from Petaluma to West Marin, and back to Sonoma County. But this is more than just another scenic bike ride—the annual Holstein 100 helps feed the mouths of 214 local senior citizens, many of whom are at nutritional risk, through West Marin Community Service’s Meals from Friends program. Sixty-seven percent of the organization’s clients fall below poverty level for Marin County, and 16 percent fall below federal poverty level. “We’re expanding the meal programs into all of West Marin, so we need the funding now more than ever,” senior services director Joan Corbett said. Areas that the delivery program formally did not cover, such as Dillon Beach and parts of Tomales, Marshall, Stinson Beach and Bolinas, will now be covered. The organization also plans to expand its reach in Point Reyes, Inverness and San Geronimo Valley. The ride will offer bicyclists courses of 15, 35, 65 and 100 miles. Rest stops every 10 to 15 miles will feature refreshments, first aid and porta-potties, and bicyclists will be met with a meal at the finish line. For more information and to register, visit wmss.org/holstein.