Earlier This Friday, tea purveyor and longtime Lagunitas resident David Lee Hoffman will have another chance in court to fight for the longevity of his property, which has numerous unpermitted structures. A 2012 court order mandated that Mr. Hoffman demolish all illegal structures at his own expense and charged him over $200,000 in fines. As a result of administrative penalties, delinquent property taxes and the receiver’s fees, Mr. Hoffman now owes over $800,000. Though he has halted construction, he continues to live and work on the property. The Sept. 28 hearing in Marin Superior Court will be held at 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom E. It will address a request by the property’s court-appointed receiver for further instruction and approval for more fees, as well as a motion filed by Peter Prows, Mr. Hoffman’s attorney, asking that the property’s previously-granted determination of architectural significance be honored. Should Mr. Prows’s motion be granted, that designation would allow the property to adhere to California’s historical building code instead of the state’s typical—and more restrictive—building code.