Golden Gate National Recreation Area has released the draft of a new General Management Plan, which will serve as the park’s chief regulatory document for the next 20 years. The draft, available for public viewing and comment submission through November 7, recommends a series of moderate changes to trails and facilities in West Marin. Renovations would be made to visitor facilities at Stinson Beach and Tennessee Valley, and improvements in the form of reorganized parking and pedestrian paths and the repurposing of a historic building for use as an education center would be made at Muir Woods. The park would also expand the frequency and regularity of weekend shuttle services. 

In public comments submitted during a public scoping period, concerns were raised that new facilities would weaken the natural experience and that “improved access means more people and larger crowds which detract from the primeval forest atmosphere.” An open house will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on October 4 at Tamalpais High School, in Mill Valley; to submit comments online go to