The fertile relationship between Lagunitas School District and San Geronimo Valley Community Center is the cause for celebration at the annual Heart of the Valley Gala on Sept. 28—and no one embodies that relationship better than Larry Enos and Sally Hutchinson. Mr. Enos is the superintendent of Lagunitas and Bolinas-Stinson Union School Districts, and is retiring in June; his wife, Sally Hutchinson, has taught at Lagunitas Middle School since 1975. The legend goes (and Mr. Enos confirmed) that Sally hired Larry as a classroom assistant at the start of her career, planting the seed of a lifelong partnership that developed on school grounds over the years and would serve the district in many ways, as well as produce two children. Mr. Enos has held a variety of positions at the district and in the mid-90’s helped secure a state grant that formalized a partnership with the neighboring community center, which leases its building from the district. The funds bred scores of programs ranging from nutrition to gardening, community education, health and mental health, and family advocacy. Community center director Dave Cort considers the Loft Teen Center and Gym—and all the services for children, youth, adults and seniors that take place there—the crown jewel of a collaboration that might not have occurred without Mr. Enos. The latter attributes his success in juggling two superintendent positions to his “really, really good support staffs at both districts,” though he admitted he is too busy to consider what he might do in retirement. “We’re not going to abandon education. It’s been our life,” he said. Mr. Cort’s wife, Howie, who has worked with Ms. Hutchinson in the classroom for a decade, said Ms. Hutchinson puts in practice what the Dalai Lama teaches about teaching: “When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.” Saturday’s gala takes place from 5 to 11 p.m. at the community center. Tickets are $135 and are available at and by calling (415) 488.8888.