For the first time in decades, citizens are vying for the limited seats on the Stinson Beach Water District board of directors. Five candidates, including two incumbents, will compete this November 6 for three open seats on the board, one of which was held by board president Elizabeth Sapanai, who is stepping down after 27 years.

“She had a very good presence,” contestant Terry Bryant, a carpenter, said. “She’s steered them in a right direction as a regulatory agency, and is very well liked even though the water board isn’t necessarily liked.” Mr. Bryant will face attorney Sandra Cross, engineer Morey Nelson, and incumbents Scott Tye and Barbara Boucke.

The water district determines limits on water usage for the roughly 700 water hook-ups, annually monitors those hook-ups for contamination, approves and checks septic systems, regulates pesticide and herbicide use, among other functions.