The Point Reyes Farmers Market will kick off its 19th season on June 22 with a new membership program as well as a grant for matching purchase dollars spent through the Electronic Benefit Transfer system up to $10 per card. With few market customers purchasing through EBT, market manager Allison Puglisi hopes the grant from Kaiser Permanente will attract more shoppers using the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The market’s steering committee launched the new membership program, Friends of the Market, in hopes of weaning the market from reliance on fundraising. The program features ascending perks for one-time donors at four levels, including gift certificates to Point Reyes Books and Toby’s Feed Barn. Next Tuesday, June 18, a benefit dinner for the market will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. at Saltwater Oyster Depot, in Inverness. The $50-a-plate meal features ingredients from market vendors and includes beer and wine. The dinner is intended to close a financial gap widened in part by a decrease in county funding. The season’s first market takes place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays through Nov. 2 at Toby’s Feed Barn. This year’s new vendors include Molly Myerson, who will be selling strawberries, and Bloomfield Honey Farm.