Next year the county will undertake a routine update of its development code, which applies to unincorporated areas of Marin that are outside the coastal zone. A draft of the proposed changes are posted on a new website accessed from the Community Development Agency’s planning webpage. Comments on the amendments—which pertain to everything from safeguards for nesting birds to pop-up restaurants to appeal and public hearing procedures—that are submitted through Jan. 4 will be reviewed and included in another draft that will be considered by the Planning Commission. A single new section that county staff propose adding would give the county greater flexibility in disaster response and recovery efforts. “There are a lot of immediate needs that come up in the wake of a disaster, such as emergency response centers and temporary shelters,” Jeremy Tejirian, a planning manager with the Community Development Agency, said in a press release. “As it is now, our zoning restrictions do not have the flexibility they will need after a major disaster. We are proposing to build more flexibility into our code so that assistance can be offered without delay.”