In hopes of repairing roads and parking areas on Point Reyes, the National Park Service is seeking public comments for an environmental assessment of the proposed treatment of 22 miles of pavement, including Limantour Road and Sir Francis Drake Highway, and its alternatives. The project would enhance structural integrity, correct drainage problems, reduce long-term maintenance costs and improve parking efficiency. The public scoping period ends August 30. Written comments, submitted by mail or online, may include concerns and potential impacts of the proposal, effects of similar past actions and possible alternatives. The park service expects the assessment to be available for public review and comment later this year. For information and to submit comments online, visit Letters may be sent to PORE Roads EA, c/o Superintendent, 1 Bear Valley Road, Point Reyes National Seashore, Calif. 94956; or dropped off at the superintendent’s office on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The public is cautioned that all comments, including identifying information, may be shared.