Longtime Bolinas educator Leo Kostelnik will become the permanent superintendent at the Bolinas-Stinson Union School District, after filling in on an interim basis since last June. The school board voted unanimously to appoint him last week. “We believe Leo Kostelnik is an excellent fit for our school,” the board wrote in a statement. “[We are] delighted to have such a well-qualified, experienced person in this important position.” A Bolinas resident and published author, Mr. Kostelnik has a lengthy history in Marin education. He started as a math teacher at Bo-Stin in 2001 and served as principal there from 2007 to 2012. He then worked as principal of Corte Madera’s Neil Cummins Elementary for two years and in the same role at the Edna Maguire Elementary School until 2021. He signed onto Bo-Stin in June, taking the baton from Michelle Stephens, who had served as principal for five years and superintendent for six months. Mr. Kostelnik earned an undergraduate degree from Yale, a master’s degree in administration from Harvard and a second master’s in educational administration from San Francisco State University. Earlier this winter, the district circulated a survey to parents, faculty and community members that showed that in addition to having foundational qualifications for the role, the perfect candidate would have experience working in a small district and be supportive of a robust arts program. After a public meeting and several interviews with staff members, it was clear that Mr. Kostelnik represented what the district wanted from top to bottom. In a letter, the school’s two staff unions encouraged the board to hire him.