Ethan Minor, a martial arts instructor from Bodega, last week assumed the vacant seat on the Shoreline Unified School District board. Mr. Minor—who owns a martial arts school in Sebastopol and works both as a security consultant for large public events and as a motion actor and voice performer for video games—has a 6-year-old child in the district. “I’m very passionate about the direction of my son’s education, and I can only do so much from the house,” he said. “At this point, I am just getting my bearings, getting up to speed on what the hot issues are for the board, but I’m highly motivated to figure out what needs to be addressed. I have a very clear moral compass.” Mr. Minor fills the seat that Clarette McDonald unexpectedly vacated in October after her son brought rifles to the high school in an apparent oversight. The board appointed Mr. Minor to the position for the northernmost zone of the sweeping district, at a special board meeting held last Thursday, a few weeks before their deadline.