The Leonid meteor shower arrives this weekend. It will peak on Saturday, Nov. 18 in the eastern sky beginning at around 11 p.m. Fog permitting, we may see about 15 per hour, radiating from the constellation Leo, the lion. The full moon rises Monday, Nov. 27. In Celtic tradition, it is called the mourning moon, a time to cleanse the spirit and prepare for the yule season. It will rise over a weeklong period of 6-foot and higher king tides.

Autumn is truly here once the golden bigleaf maple trees splash their colorful leaves against the backdrop of West Marin’s dark green evergreen fir and redwood forests. The recent spell of soaking rain and warm days popped up many mushrooms. The easiest to spot are the white round puffballs of open grassland areas. The expected rains may jumpstart the season if warmer temperatures follow.

Black-tailed deer are in their rutting season this month, ending in early December. Fueled by hormones—and seeking water—they are often seen alongside roadways. Our slow speeds and a sharp eye help protect them from car injuries.

Thanksgiving Day will see park roads and trails open. The Bear Valley Visitor Center will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and the lighthouse from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., weather permitting.