On behalf of the board of trustees of the Shoreline Unified School District, I would like to address the rumors regarding the item on the agenda for closed session of the March 15, 2018 board meeting related to the evaluation of Principal Matt Nagle. We know the best way to respond to rumors is with facts. However, the board is prohibited by law from sharing the substance of employee evaluations and is limited in what information it can divulge to the public regarding personnel decisions and actions. This is what we can share with you.
First, principal evaluations are conducted annually and are a regular item on the board agendas for closed session meetings in February and March. Although the evaluations take place throughout the year, they are reported to the board prior to March 15, the deadline set forth in California Education Code Section 44951 requiring school districts to provide formal, written notice to certificated administrators informing them that they may be released or reassigned for the following school year.
Second, sending a certificated administrator a March 15 notice does not mean the employee will be released or reassigned. Rather, it is done as a preliminary notice to comply with California Education Code Section 44951. Sometimes such notices are sent for budgetary reasons that have nothing to do with an employee’s performance. Many times, March 15 notices are rescinded. They are used to provide the district with flexibility in a number of different ways, including to address declining revenue or reductions or changes in service.
Third, the fact that Mr. Nagle is running for Marin County superintendent of schools had no bearing whatsoever on his performance evaluation. The board recognizes and supports its employees’ rights to participate in seeking public office as long as doing so does not interfere with their primary obligations to the district. Contrary to statements made at the March 15 board meeting, no board member or the superintendent has had any discussion with or received any communication from superintendent Mary Jane Burke about Mr. Nagle’s
We conclude this letter with assurance of the total commitment of the board of trustees to the continuing effort to provide the best education and leadership for all students in our district. We all have one thing in common: we are here for the kids. Please commit yourselves to joining us in that spirit and that effort.
Jill Manning Sartori, Board President
Shoreline Unified School District