“You don’t know how lucky you are, boys.” — The Beatles
I learned to drive specifically to get to the good used record stores in San Francisco. I spun discs as a deejay in college, and I reviewed albums for a tiny, now defunct entertainment newspaper in Los Angeles. There is something magic about listening to vinyl.
These past few years have been particularly challenging for our family. There have been far more downs than ups. When Scott was first at U.C.S.F., I would walk through the neighborhood in a daze. I ended up more often than not at Amoeba Records, basking in the atmosphere of being around so much vinyl. It brought me back to my high school days in the Haight searching for Lou Reed and Led Zeppelin. And it gave me peace.
“You must be my lucky star.” — Madonna
Loose Joints Records has put a smile on my face on bleak nights and a spring in my step on cool days. I peruse their I.G. account to see the latest offerings, and I look forward to spending a few free minutes, and all of my allowance, whenever I can, pawing through their brilliant selections. They’ve got inexpensive treasures (I found a Duck’s Breath Mystery Theater album!), as well as drool-worthy discs (guess who scored Tom Waits’s hard-to-find Swordfishtrombones?)
I’ve known since I was a teenager that music can save you. We are so lucky to have this addition to downtown Point Reyes.
“I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words, how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.” — Elton John