Caltrans canceled a meeting scheduled for today on the chosen design for the Green Bridge, citing the lawsuit locals filed last month over the agency’s final plans. “Accordingly, because Caltrans does not comment on pending litigation, it has canceled the September 6 open house,” Caltrans spokesman Robert Haus wrote to the Light this week. “Caltrans can still provide relevant documents regarding the project to the public, including identifying specific portions of the environmental impact report and other documents that address, among other things, the intended subject of the open house.” In early July, Caltrans released its final environmental impact report that supported the agency’s decision to press ahead with a three-span concrete bridge, which it estimates will cost $8 million and take a year to construct, including a three-week complete closure. A group of residents that call themselves Friends of the Green Bridge filed a suit in August, following up on longstanding and widespread rejection of a bridge replacement, rather than a retrofit. The suit argues that the agency violated the California Environmental Quality Act on several counts, including by not adequately exploring a retrofit option. Per protocol, there is a mandatory settlement conference scheduled for that case on Sept. 13.