It’s an insider’s look at an unconventional town. “Bolinas—2 Miles,” which was published less than a year ago, makes for a fascinating read. Author Alex Horvath provides a look at the town’s pot growing, its art, its street people, and its culture.

He writes, “You know you grew up in Bolinas when: You knew every dog in town by name, and would even engage in stories about which dog had been in a fight, was in heat, etc. You think it’s normal that you’ve seen every adult you know naked, sunbathing, and playing guitar on the beach. The morning after you lost your virginity, the parents of the girl congratulate both of you. Your mom had pot brownies specially made for your sixteenth birthday party…”

The book contains a fascinating section on some of the street people in Bolinas. For example, Tree House John received a prize for being the “Favorite Bolinas Street Person of all Time.” He was honored for both his longevity on the streets and for his service to the Bolinas Volunteer Fire Department. Tree House John, who had a full beard, explained to Horvath how he came to grow it. “It all started long ago when a former friend punched me in the jaw,” he said. How was that related? “$14,000 in plastic surgery,” John explained.

The book is available from Amazon in book and kindle form and as an e-book from Apple, and it can be borrowed from the Bolinas Library. Horvath formerly reported for The Pacific Sun and The West Marin Citizen, and from 2000 to 2008 was a frequent contributor to the San Francisco Chronicle’s Friday section, writing hundreds of feature articles. After the Chronicle, he worked for several national business trade publications, covering everything from commercial real estate to new prison construction. He was working for Apple computers until the Covid-19 pandemic caused him—like millions of other workers—to get laid off. For the moment, he’s working for the state Economic Development Department.

Horvath now lives in Rohnert Park but misses Bolinas. “I want to come home,” is the last line of his book. “I want to come home.”